Returns the list of products, which were changed (added/edited or deleted). Endpoint is intended to determine the changes after you have loaded the complete list of products and you need to know if any of these have been changed. Guaranteed history is 30 days, older data are deleted progressively.
Each product in the log is mentioned only with its last change. For example, if the product was modified and then deleted, the log will show only information about its deletion.
Creation is considered as edit
action. So, when there is a new item created, it will be displayed like edit
Endpoint supports pagination.
Description of object attributes with information about changes:
|Field |Causes product change|Notes. |
|guid |Yes | |
|type |Yes | |
|visibility |Yes | |
|creationTime |Yes | |
|changeTime |Yes | |
|shortDescription |Yes | |
|description |Yes | |
|metaDescription |Yes | |
|name |Yes | |
|internalNote |Yes | |
|defaultCategory |Yes |Only category - product relation change|
|defaultCategory.guid |No | |
| |No | |
|supplier |Yes |Only supplier - product relation change|
|supplier.guid |No | |
| |No | |
|brand |Yes |Only brand - product relation change |
|brand.code |No | |
| |No | |
|categories |Yes |Only product - category relation |
|categories.guid |No | |
|categories.parentGuid |No | |
| |No | |
|url |Yes |Only for relative url. Domain change no|
|flags |Yes | |
|flags.code |No | |
|flags.title |No | |
|flags.dateFrom |Yes | |
|flags.dateTo |Yes | |
|variants |Yes | |
|variants.code |Yes | |
|variants.ean |Yes | |
|variants.stock |no | |
|variants.unit |yes | |
|variants.weight |yes | |
|variants.visible |yes | |
|variants.minStockSupply |yes | |
|variants.negativeStockAllowed |yes | |
|variants.amountDecimalPlaces |yes | |
|variants.price |yes | |
|variants.includingVat |yes | |
|variants.vatRate |yes | |
|variants.currencyCode |yes | |
|variants.actionPrice |yes | |
|variants.commonPrice |yes | |
|variants.manufacturerCode |yes | |
|variants.pluCode |yes | |
|variants.isbn |yes | |
|variants.serialNo |yes | |
|variants.mpn |yes | |
|variants.availability |yes | |
|variants.availabilityWhenSoldOut |yes | |
|variants.image |yes | |
|variants.parameters |yes | |
| |yes | |
|variants.measureUnit |yes | |
|variants.measureUnit.measureAmount |yes | |
|variants.measureUnit.measureUnitId |yes | |
|variants.measureUnit.packagingAmount |yes | |
|variants.measureUnit.packagingUnitId |yes | |
|variants.measureUnit.measureUnitName |yes | |
|variants.measureUnit.packagingUnitName|yes | |
|variants.measureUnit.measurePrice |yes | |
|variants.recyclingFee |yes | |
|images |yes | |
| |yes | |
|images.priority |yes | |
|images.description |yes | |
|images.changeTime |yes | |
|images.seoName |yes | |
|images.cdnName |yes | |
|descriptiveParameters |yes | |
| |yes | |
|descriptiveParameters.value |yes | |
|descriptiveParameters.description |yes | |
|descriptiveParameters.priority |yes | |
|surchargeParameters |no | |
|surchargeParameters.code |no | |
| |no | |
|surchargeParameters.displayName |no | |
|surchargeParameters.description |no | |
|surchargeParameters.priority |no | |
|surchargeParameters.required |no | |
|surchargeParameters.currency |no | |
|surchargeParameters.includingVat |no | |
|surchargeParameters.values |no | |
|surchargeParameters.values.valueIndex |no | |
|surchargeParameters.values.description|no | |
|surchargeParameters.values.price |no | |
|surchargeParameters.values.priority |no | |
|surchargeParameters.values.visible |no | |
|setItems |yes | |
|setItems.guid |no | |
|setItems.code |no | |
|setItems.amount |no | |
|filteringParameters |yes |Only relation |
|filteringParameters.code |no | |
| |no | |
|filteringParameters.displayName |no | |
|filteringParameters.description |no | |
|filteringParameters.priority |yes | |
|filteringParameters.googleMapping |no | |
|filteringParameters.values |yes |Only relation |
|filteringParameters.values.valueIndex |no | |
| |no | |
|filteringParameters.values.priority |no | |
|filteringParameters.values.color |no | |
|filteringParameters.values.image |no | |
|warranty |yes |only relation |
|warranty.inMonths |no | |
|warranty.description |no | |